About us
About Us
The idea that brought us together: to promote a comprehensive interdisciplinary scientific and technical approach to environmental health. Multidisciplinarity is one of the major key elements of environmental medicine. Complex topics such as health problems caused by exposure to environmental toxins, as well as their diagnosis, the resulting therapies and the necessary exposure stops can only be clarified through close cooperation between the different experts. Therefore, SCENTE is currently composed of physicians from various disciplines (including trained environmental physicians), osteopaths and physiotherapists, dentists, pharmacists and biologists, biologists, experts in indoor air quality and psychologists as well as experts in nutritional sciences
Administration board
Our board consists of certified and experienced members who pursue training and/or
a job in the field of environment and health.
JoƩ Diederich, Dr. Med.
Position: President
Activity: Physician specialised in environmental medicine
Hendrik Schwagten, PhD, MSc., MSc., MSc.
Position: Member
Activity: Dentist specialised in enviornmental health